The Blogger's POV

I am Hasmin A. Enrique but my friends call me "Min or Ate Min". I live in Kolambugan Lanao del Norte but but I am currently staying in Super New Girl's Dormitory in MSU Marawi, where I am studying at the present. I am now at the age of my early 20's. I am a bit older than my batch in school because I had stop for a year and got left behind by my batch-mates.

 As for my family, I have an only one brother who pisses me off every time where both in the house because we are like cat & dog. My father is a vendor and my mother is a plain housewife.

There is nothing special about me aside from I love Mathematics which practically most of you hates. I love to sing but I am a shy-type person. Even with that personality I gain so many friends because of my appeal😉.
